hej is hosted by Hepforge, IPPP Durham
HEJ 2.2.2
High energy resummation for hadron colliders
No Matches
File List
Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 EmptyAnalysis.hhInternal header for empty analysis, to be removed in HEJ 2.3
 HepMCInterface_common.hhTemplate functions shared between HepMC2 and HepMC3
 Unweighter_impl.hhUnweighter Class Implementation for template functions
 Analysis.hhHeader file for the Analysis interface
 BufferedEventReader.hhEvent reader with internal buffer
 CombinedEventWriter.hhDeclares the CombinedEventWriter class
 Config.hhHEJ 2 configuration parameters
 ConfigFlags.hhConfiguration used to compile HEJ, i.e. list all dependencies
 Constants.hhHeader file defining all global constants used for HEJ
 EmptyAnalysis.hhDeclaration of the trivial (empty) analysis
 Event.hhDeclares the Event class and helpers
 event_types.hhDefine different types of events
 EventReader.hhHeader file for event reader interface
 EventReweighter.hhDeclares the EventReweighter class
 EventWriter.hhHeader file for the EventWriter interface
 EWConstants.hhDefines the electro weak parameters
 exceptions.hhCustom exception classes
 filesystem.hhUtilities for interacting with the file system
 Fraction.hhHeader file for fractions, i.e. floating point numbers between 0 and 1
 get_analysis.hhContains the get_analysis function
 HDF5Reader.hhHeader file for reading events in the HDF5 event format
 HDF5Writer.hhContains the EventWriter for HDF5 Output
 helicity.hhDefinition of Helicity
 HepMC2Interface.hhHeader file for the HepMC2Interface
 HepMC2Writer.hhContains the EventWriter for HepMC Output
 HepMC3Interface.hhHeader file for the HepMC3Interface
 HepMC3Writer.hhContains the EventWriter for HepMC3 Output
 HiggsCouplingSettings.hhDefines the settings for Higgs boson coupling to gluons
 Hjets.hhFunctions computing the square of current contractions in H+Jets
 jets.hhFunctions computing the square of current contractions in pure jets
 JetSplitter.hhDeclaration of the JetSplitter class
 kinematics.hhContains function to compute the incoming momentum from outgoing
 LesHouchesReader.hhHeader file for reading events in the Les Houches Event File format
 LesHouchesWriter.hhContains the writer for LesHouches output
 LorentzVector.hhAuxiliary functions for Lorentz vectors
 make_RNG.hhDeclares a factory function for random number generators
 make_writer.hhDeclares a factory function for event writers
 MatrixElement.hhContains the MatrixElement Class
 Mixmax.hhThe Mixmax random number generator
 optional.hhDefines the optional type (deprecated, use std::optional instead)
 output_formats.hhDefines formats for output to event files
 Parameters.hhContainers for Parameter variations, e.g. different Weights
 Particle.hhContains the particle struct
 PDF.hhContains all the necessary classes and functions for interaction with PDFs
 PDG_codes.hhContains the Particle IDs of all relevant SM particles
 PhaseSpacePoint.hhContains the PhaseSpacePoint Class
 ProgressBar.hhContains the ProgressBar class
 Ranlux64.hhContains a class for the ranlux64 random number generator
 resummation_jet.hhFunctions to calculate the kinematics of resummation jets, i.e. resuffling the jet momenta
 RivetAnalysis.hhHEJ 2 interface to rivet analyses
 RNG.hhInterface for pseudorandom number generators
 ScaleFunction.hhFunctions to calculate the (renormalisation and factorisation) scales for an event
 StatusCode.hhHeader file for status codes of event generation
 stream.hhDeclares input streams
 utility.hhContains various utilities
 Version.hhThe file gives the current HEJ Version
 Wjets.hhFunctions computing the square of current contractions in W+Jets
 WWjets.hhFunctions computing the square of current contractions in WW+Jets
 YAMLreader.hhThe file which handles the configuration file parameters
 Zjets.hhFunctions computing the square of current contractions in Z+Jets