hej is hosted by Hepforge, IPPP Durham
HEJ 2.2.2
High energy resummation for hadron colliders
No Matches
Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123]
 CHEJ::AnalysisAnalysis base class
 CHEJ::RivetAnalysisClass representing a Rivet analysis
 CHEJ::detail::ArrayTag< T, N, Ns >
 CHEJ::detail::ArrayTag< T, N >
 CHEJ::BeamBeam parameters
 CYAML::convert< HEJ::Fraction< Real > >
 CYAML::convert< HEJ::OutputFile >
 CHEJ::CrossSectionAccumulatorSum of Cross Section for different subproccess
 CHEJ::EventAn event with clustered jets
 CHEJ::Event::EventDataClass to store general Event setup, i.e. Phase space and weights
 CHEJ::EventParametersEvent parameters
 CHEJ::EventReaderAbstract base class for reading events from files
 CHEJ::BufferedEventReaderEvent reader with internal buffer
 CHEJ::HDF5ReaderClass for reading events from a file in the HDF5 file format
 CHEJ::LesHouchesReaderClass for reading events from a file in the Les Houches Event File format
 CHEJ::EventReweighterMain class for reweighting events in HEJ
 CHEJ::EventReweighterConfigConfiguration options for the EventReweighter class
 CHEJ::EventWriterPure abstract base class for event writers
 CHEJ::CombinedEventWriterWrite event output to zero or more output files
 CHEJ::HDF5WriterThis is an event writer specifically for HDF5 output
 CHEJ::HepMC2WriterThis is an event writer specifically for HepMC output
 CHEJ::HepMC3WriterThis is an event writer specifically for HepMC3 output
 CHEJ::LesHouchesWriterClass for writing events to a file in the Les Houches Event File format
 CHEJ::EWConstantsCollection of electro-weak constants
 CHEJ::FixedScaleFunctor that returns a fixed scale regardless of the input event
 CHEJ::Fraction< Real, typename >Class for floating point numbers between 0 and 1
 CHEJ::Fraction< double >
 CHEJ::HepMC2InterfaceThis class converts the Events into HepMC::GenEvents
 CHEJ::HepMC3InterfaceThis class converts the Events into HepMC3::GenEvents
 CHEJ::detail_HepMC::HepMCVersion< V >
 CHEJ::HiggsCouplingSettingsSettings for Higgs boson coupling to gluons
 CHEJ::abort_eventException indicating that an event is not accepted by the reweighter
 CHEJ::invalid_typeException indicating wrong option type
 CHEJ::unknown_optionException indicating unknown option
 CHEJ::istreamSmall wrapper around boost's filtering_istream
 CHEJ::JetParametersJet parameters
 CHEJ::JetSplitterClass to split jets into their constituents
 CHEJ::missing_optionException indicating missing option setting
 CHEJ::not_implementedException indicating functionality that has not been implemented yet
 CHEJ::MatrixElementClass to calculate the squares of matrix elements
 CHEJ::MatrixElementConfigConfiguration options for the MatrixElement class
 CHEJ::NLOConfigSettings for HEJ@NLO
 CHEJ::OutputFileOutput file specification
 CHEJ::ParameterDescriptionDescription of event parameters, see also EventParameters
 CHEJ::Parameters< T >Collection of parameters, e.g. Weights, assigned to a single event
 CHEJ::Parameters< HEJ::EventParameters >
 CHEJ::PartialUnweightConfigSettings for partial unweighting
 CHEJ::ParticleClass representing a particle
 CHEJ::ParticlePropertiesCollection of basic particle properties
 CHEJ::PDFClass for interaction with a PDF set
 CHEJ::PhaseSpacePointGenerated point in resummation phase space
 CHEJ::PhaseSpacePointConfigConfiguration options for the PhaseSpacePoint class
 CHEJ::ProgressBar< T >Class representing (and printing) a progress bar
 CHEJ::pz_lessFunctor to compare momenta in z direction
 CHEJ::rapidity_lessFunctor to compare rapidities
 CHEJ::RNGInterface for random number generator
 CHEJ::MixmaxMIXMAX random number generator
 CHEJ::Ranlux64Ranlux64 random number generator
 CHEJ::RNGConfigSettings for random number generator
 CHEJ::ScaleConfigSettings for scale variation
 CHEJ::ScaleFunctionClass to calculate the scale associated with an event
 CHEJ::ScaleGeneratorGenerate combinations of renormalisation and factorisation scales
 CHEJ::JetSplitter::SplitResultWrapper for return values
 CHEJ::type_lessFunctor to compare particle type (PDG)
 CHEJ::UnweighterUnweight events
 CHEJ::XSWithError< T >Collection of Cross Section with its uncertainty
 CHEJ::XSWithError< double >