HEJ 2 2.0
High energy resummation for hadron colliders
Nfastjet | |
▼NHEJ | Main HEJ 2 Namespace |
Ndetail | |
Nevent_type | Namespace for event types |
Npid | Particle ids according to PDG |
CAnalysis | Analysis base class |
CBeam | Beam parameters |
CCombinedEventWriter | Write event output to zero or more output files |
CConfig | |
CDefaultRNG | Helper struct with default implementations |
CEmptyAnalysis | |
CEvent | |
CEventParameters | Event parameters |
CEventReweighter | Main class for reweighting events in HEJ |
CEventReweighterConfig | Configuration options for the EventReweighter class |
CEventWriter | Pure abstract base class for event writers |
CFixedScale | Functor that returns a fixed scale regardless of the input event |
CHepMCInterface | This class converts the Events into HepMC::GenEvents |
CHepMCWriter | This is an event writer specifically for HepMC output |
CHiggsCouplingSettings | Settings for Higgs boson coupling to gluons |
Cinvalid_type | Exception indicating wrong option type |
Cistream | Small wrapper around boost's filtering_istream |
CJetParameters | Jet parameters |
▼CJetSplitter | Class to split jets into their constituents |
CSplitResult | |
CLesHouchesWriter | Class for writing events to a file in the Les Houches Event File format |
CMatrixElement | Class to calculate the squares of matrix elements |
CMatrixElementConfig | Configuration options for the MatrixElement class |
Cmissing_option | Exception indicating missing option setting |
CMixmax | MIXMAX random number generator |
Cnot_implemented | Exception indicating functionality that has not been implemented yet |
COutputFile | Output file specification |
CParameterDescription | Description of event parameters |
CParticle | Class representing a particle |
CPDF | Class for interaction with a PDF set |
CPhaseSpacePoint | A point in resummation phase space |
CPhaseSpacePointConfig | Configuration options for the PhaseSpacePoint class |
CProgressBar | Class representing (and printing) a progress bar |
Cpz_less | Functor to compare momenta in z direction |
CRanlux64 | Ranlux64 random number generator |
Crapidity_less | Functor to compare rapidities |
CRivetAnalysis | Class representing a Rivet analysis |
CRNG | Interface for random number generator |
CRNGConfig | Settings for random number generator |
CScaleConfig | Settings for scale variation |
CScaleFunction | Class to calculate the scale associated with an event |
CScaleGenerator | Generate combinations of renormalisation and factorisation scales |
CUnclusteredEvent | An event before jet clustering |
Cunknown_option | Exception indicating unknown option |
CWeights | Collection of weights assigned to a single event |
NHepMC | |
NRivet | |
▼NYAML | YAML Namespace |
Cconvert< HEJ::OutputFile > |