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HEJ 2.1.4
High energy resummation for hadron colliders
HEJ::currents Namespace Reference


using HLV = CLHEP::HepLorentzVector
using COM = std::complex< double >
using current = std::array< COM, 4 >


double ME_H_gg (HLV const &p1out, HLV const &p1in, HLV const &p2out, HLV const &p2in, HLV const &qH1, HLV const &qH2, double mt, bool include_bottom, double mb, double vev)
 Square of gg->gg Higgs+Jets Scattering Current. More...
double ME_Houtside_gq (HLV const &p1out, HLV const &p1in, HLV const &p2out, HLV const &p2in, HLV const &pH, double mt, bool include_bottom, double mb, double vev)
 Square of gq->gq Higgs+Jets Scattering Current with Higgs before Gluon. More...
double ME_H_qg (HLV const &p1out, HLV const &p1in, HLV const &p2out, HLV const &p2in, HLV const &qH1, HLV const &qH2, double mt, bool include_bottom, double mb, double vev)
 Square of qg->qg Higgs+Jets Scattering Current. More...
double ME_H_qbarg (HLV const &p1out, HLV const &p1in, HLV const &p2out, HLV const &p2in, HLV const &qH1, HLV const &qH2, double mt, bool include_bottom, double mb, double vev)
 Square of qbarg->qbarg Higgs+Jets Scattering Current. More...
double ME_H_qQ (HLV const &p1out, HLV const &p1in, HLV const &p2out, HLV const &p2in, HLV const &qH1, HLV const &qH2, double mt, bool include_bottom, double mb, double vev)
 Square of qQ->qQ Higgs+Jets Scattering Current. More...
double ME_H_qQbar (HLV const &p1out, HLV const &p1in, HLV const &p2out, HLV const &p2in, HLV const &qH1, HLV const &qH2, double mt, bool include_bottom, double mb, double vev)
 Square of qQbar->qQbar Higgs+Jets Scattering Current. More...
double ME_H_qbarQ (HLV const &p1out, HLV const &p1in, HLV const &p2out, HLV const &p2in, HLV const &qH1, HLV const &qH2, double mt, bool include_bottom, double mb, double vev)
 Square of qbarQ->qbarQ Higgs+Jets Scattering Current. More...
double ME_H_qbarQbar (HLV const &p1out, HLV const &p1in, HLV const &p2out, HLV const &p2in, HLV const &qH1, HLV const &qH2, double mt, bool include_bottom, double mb, double vev)
 Square of qbarQbar->qbarQbar Higgs+Jets Scattering Current. More...
double ME_qQ (HLV const &p1out, HLV const &p1in, HLV const &p2out, HLV const &p2in)
 Square of qQ->qQ Pure Jets Scattering Current. More...
double ME_qQbar (HLV const &p1out, HLV const &p1in, HLV const &p2out, HLV const &p2in)
 Square of qQbar->qQbar Pure Jets Scattering Current. More...
double ME_qbarQbar (HLV const &p1out, HLV const &p1in, HLV const &p2out, HLV const &p2in)
 Square of qbarQbar->qbarQbar Pure Jets Scattering Current. More...
double ME_qg (HLV const &p1out, HLV const &p1in, HLV const &p2out, HLV const &p2in)
 Square of qg->qg Pure Jets Scattering Current. More...
double ME_qbarg (HLV const &p1out, HLV const &p1in, HLV const &p2out, HLV const &p2in)
 Square of qbarg->qbarg Pure Jets Scattering Current. More...
double ME_gg (HLV const &p1out, HLV const &p1in, HLV const &p2out, HLV const &p2in)
 Square of gg->gg Pure Jets Scattering Current. More...
double ME_unob_qQ (HLV const &pg, HLV const &p1out, HLV const &p1in, HLV const &p2out, HLV const &p2in)
 Square of qQ->qQ Pure Jets Scattering Current. More...
double ME_unob_qbarQ (HLV const &pg, HLV const &p1out, HLV const &p1in, HLV const &p2out, HLV const &p2in)
 Square of qbarQ->qbarQ Pure Jets Unordered backwards Scattering Current. More...
double ME_unob_qQbar (HLV const &pg, HLV const &p1out, HLV const &p1in, HLV const &p2out, HLV const &p2in)
 Square of qQbar->qQbar Pure Jets Unordered backwards Scattering Current. More...
double ME_unob_qbarQbar (HLV const &pg, HLV const &p1out, HLV const &p1in, HLV const &p2out, HLV const &p2in)
 Square of qbarQbar->qbarQbar Pure Jets Unordered backwards Scattering Current. More...
double ME_unob_qg (HLV const &pg, HLV const &p1out, HLV const &p1in, HLV const &p2out, HLV const &p2in)
 Square of qg->qg Pure Jets Unordered backwards Scattering Current. More...
double ME_unob_qbarg (HLV const &pg, HLV const &p1out, HLV const &p1in, HLV const &p2out, HLV const &p2in)
 Square of qbarg->qbarg Pure Jets Unordered backwards Scattering Current. More...
double ME_Exqqbar_qbarqQ (HLV const &pgin, HLV const &pqout, HLV const &pqbarout, HLV const &p2out, HLV const &p2in)
 Square of gQ->qbarqQ Pure Jets Extremal qqbar backwards Scattering Current. More...
double ME_Exqqbar_qqbarQ (HLV const &pgin, HLV const &pqout, HLV const &pqbarout, HLV const &p2out, HLV const &p2in)
 Square of gQ->qqbarQ Pure Jets Extremal qqbar backwards Scattering Current. More...
double ME_Exqqbar_qbarqg (HLV const &pgin, HLV const &pqout, HLV const &pqbarout, HLV const &p2out, HLV const &p2in)
 Square of gg->qbarqg Pure Jets Extremal qqbar backwards Scattering Current. More...
double ME_Exqqbar_qqbarg (HLV const &pgin, HLV const &pqout, HLV const &pqbarout, HLV const &p2out, HLV const &p2in)
 Square of gg->qqbarg Pure Jets Extremal qqbar backwards Scattering Current. More...
double ME_Cenqqbar_qq (HLV const &pa, HLV const &pb, std::vector< HLV > const &partons, bool aqlinepa, bool aqlinepb, bool qqbarmarker, std::size_t nabove)
 Square of qq->qQQbarq Pure Jets Central qqbar Scattering Current. More...
double K_g (double p1minus, double paminus)
double K_g (HLV const &pout, HLV const &pin)
double ME_W_qQ (HLV const &p1out, HLV const &plbar, HLV const &pl, HLV const &p1in, HLV const &p2out, HLV const &p2in, ParticleProperties const &wprop)
 Square of qQ->qenuQ W+Jets Scattering Current. More...
double ME_W_qbarQ (HLV const &p1out, HLV const &plbar, HLV const &pl, HLV const &p1in, HLV const &p2out, HLV const &p2in, ParticleProperties const &wprop)
 Square of qbarQ->qbarenuQ W+Jets Scattering Current. More...
double ME_W_qQbar (HLV const &p1out, HLV const &plbar, HLV const &pl, HLV const &p1in, HLV const &p2out, HLV const &p2in, ParticleProperties const &wprop)
 Square of qQbar->qenuQbar W+Jets Scattering Current. More...
double ME_W_qbarQbar (HLV const &p1out, HLV const &plbar, HLV const &pl, HLV const &p1in, HLV const &p2out, HLV const &p2in, ParticleProperties const &wprop)
 Square of qbarQbar->qbarenuQbar W+Jets Scattering Current. More...
double ME_W_qg (HLV const &p1out, HLV const &plbar, HLV const &pl, HLV const &p1in, HLV const &p2out, HLV const &p2in, ParticleProperties const &wprop)
 Square of qg->qenug W+Jets Scattering Current. More...
double ME_W_qbarg (HLV const &p1out, HLV const &plbar, HLV const &pl, HLV const &p1in, HLV const &p2out, HLV const &p2in, ParticleProperties const &wprop)
 Square of qbarg->qbarenug W+Jets Scattering Current. More...
double ME_W_unob_qQ (HLV const &p1out, HLV const &p1in, HLV const &p2out, HLV const &p2in, HLV const &pg, HLV const &plbar, HLV const &pl, ParticleProperties const &wprop)
 qQg Wjets Unordered backwards opposite leg to W More...
double ME_W_unob_qbarQ (HLV const &p1out, HLV const &p1in, HLV const &p2out, HLV const &p2in, HLV const &pg, HLV const &plbar, HLV const &pl, ParticleProperties const &wprop)
 qbarQg Wjets Unordered backwards opposite leg to W More...
double ME_W_unob_qQbar (HLV const &p1out, HLV const &p1in, HLV const &p2out, HLV const &p2in, HLV const &pg, HLV const &plbar, HLV const &pl, ParticleProperties const &wprop)
 qQbarg Wjets Unordered backwards opposite leg to W More...
double ME_W_unob_qbarQbar (HLV const &p1out, HLV const &p1in, HLV const &p2out, HLV const &p2in, HLV const &pg, HLV const &plbar, HLV const &pl, ParticleProperties const &wprop)
 qbarQbarg Wjets Unordered backwards opposite leg to W More...
double ME_Wuno_qQ (HLV const &p1out, HLV const &p1in, HLV const &p2out, HLV const &p2in, HLV const &pg, HLV const &plbar, HLV const &pl, ParticleProperties const &wprop)
 W+uno same leg. More...
double ME_Wuno_qQbar (HLV const &p1out, HLV const &p1in, HLV const &p2out, HLV const &p2in, HLV const &pg, HLV const &plbar, HLV const &pl, ParticleProperties const &wprop)
 W+uno same leg. quark anti-quark. More...
double ME_Wuno_qg (HLV const &p1out, HLV const &p1in, HLV const &p2out, HLV const &p2in, HLV const &pg, HLV const &plbar, HLV const &pl, ParticleProperties const &wprop)
 W+uno same leg. quark gluon. More...
double ME_Wuno_qbarQ (HLV const &p1out, HLV const &p1in, HLV const &p2out, HLV const &p2in, HLV const &pg, HLV const &plbar, HLV const &pl, ParticleProperties const &wprop)
 W+uno same leg. anti-quark quark. More...
double ME_Wuno_qbarQbar (HLV const &p1out, HLV const &p1in, HLV const &p2out, HLV const &p2in, HLV const &pg, HLV const &plbar, HLV const &pl, ParticleProperties const &wprop)
 W+uno same leg. anti-quark anti-quark. More...
double ME_Wuno_qbarg (HLV const &p1out, HLV const &p1in, HLV const &p2out, HLV const &p2in, HLV const &pg, HLV const &plbar, HLV const &pl, ParticleProperties const &wprop)
 W+uno same leg. anti-quark gluon. More...
double ME_WExqqbar_qbarqQ (HLV const &pgin, HLV const &pqout, HLV const &plbar, HLV const &pl, HLV const &pqbarout, HLV const &p2out, HLV const &p2in, ParticleProperties const &wprop)
 W+Extremal qqbar. qbarq+Q. More...
double ME_WExqqbar_qqbarQ (HLV const &pgin, HLV const &pqbarout, HLV const &plbar, HLV const &pl, HLV const &pqout, HLV const &p2out, HLV const &p2in, ParticleProperties const &wprop)
 W+Extremal qqbar. qqbar+Q. More...
double ME_WExqqbar_qbarqg (HLV const &pgin, HLV const &pqout, HLV const &plbar, HLV const &pl, HLV const &pqbarout, HLV const &p2out, HLV const &p2in, ParticleProperties const &wprop)
 W+Extremal qqbar. gg->qbarq+g. More...
double ME_WExqqbar_qqbarg (HLV const &pgin, HLV const &pqbarout, HLV const &plbar, HLV const &pl, HLV const &pqout, HLV const &p2out, HLV const &p2in, ParticleProperties const &wprop)
 W+Extremal qqbar. gg->qqbar+g. More...
double ME_W_Exqqbar_QQq (HLV const &pa, HLV const &pb, HLV const &p1, HLV const &p2, HLV const &p3, HLV const &plbar, HLV const &pl, bool aqlinepa, ParticleProperties const &wprop)
 W+Extremal qqbar. gg->qqbarg. qqbar on forwards leg, W emission backwards leg. More...
double ME_WCenqqbar_qq (HLV const &pa, HLV const &pb, HLV const &pl, HLV const &plbar, std::vector< HLV > const &partons, bool aqlinepa, bool aqlinepb, bool qqbar_marker, int nabove, ParticleProperties const &wprop)
 W+Jets qqbarCentral. qqbar W emission. More...
double ME_W_Cenqqbar_qq (HLV pa, HLV pb, HLV pl, HLV plbar, std::vector< HLV > partons, bool aqlinepa, bool aqlinepb, bool qqbar_marker, int nabove, int nbelow, bool forwards, ParticleProperties const &wprop)
 W+Jets qqbarCentral. W emission from backwards leg. More...
std::vector< double > ME_Z_qQ (const HLV &pa, const HLV &pb, const HLV &p1, const HLV &p2, const HLV &pep, const HLV &pem, ParticleID aptype, ParticleID bptype, ParticleProperties const &zprop, double stw2, double ctw)
 Square of qQ->qQe+e- Z+Jets Scattering Current. More...
double ME_Z_qg (const HLV &pa, const HLV &pb, const HLV &p1, const HLV &p2, const HLV &pep, const HLV &pem, ParticleID aptype, ParticleID bptype, ParticleProperties const &zprop, double stw2, double ctw)
 Square of qg->qge+e- Z+Jets Scattering Current. More...
std::vector< double > ME_Zuno_qQ (const HLV &pa, const HLV &pb, const HLV &pg, const HLV &p1, const HLV &p2, const HLV &pep, const HLV &pem, ParticleID aptype, ParticleID bptype, ParticleProperties const &zprop, double stw2, double ctw)
 Square of qQ->gqQe+e- Z+Jets Unordered Current. More...
double ME_Zuno_qg (const HLV &pa, const HLV &pb, const HLV &pg, const HLV &p1, const HLV &p2, const HLV &pep, const HLV &pem, ParticleID aptype, ParticleID bptype, ParticleProperties const &zprop, double stw2, double ctw)
 Square of qg->gqge+e- Z+Jets Unordered Current. More...
Unordered backwards
double ME_H_unob_qbarQ (HLV const &pg, HLV const &p1out, HLV const &p1in, HLV const &p2out, HLV const &p2in, HLV const &qH1, HLV const &qH2, double mt, bool include_bottom, double mb, double vev)
 Square of qbarQ->qbarQg Higgs+Jets Unordered b Scattering Current. More...
double ME_H_unob_qQ (HLV const &pg, HLV const &p1out, HLV const &p1in, HLV const &p2out, HLV const &p2in, HLV const &qH1, HLV const &qH2, double mt, bool include_bottom, double mb, double vev)
 Square of qQ->qQg Higgs+Jets Unordered b Scattering Current. More...
double ME_H_unob_qQbar (HLV const &pg, HLV const &p1out, HLV const &p1in, HLV const &p2out, HLV const &p2in, HLV const &qH1, HLV const &qH2, double mt, bool include_bottom, double mb, double vev)
 Square of qQbar->qQbarg Higgs+Jets Unordered b Scattering Current. More...
double ME_H_unob_qbarQbar (HLV const &pg, HLV const &p1out, HLV const &p1in, HLV const &p2out, HLV const &p2in, HLV const &qH1, HLV const &qH2, double mt, bool include_bottom, double mb, double vev)
 Square of qbarQbar->qbarQbarg Higgs+Jets Unordered b Scattering Current. More...
double ME_H_unob_gQbar (HLV const &pg, HLV const &p1out, HLV const &p1in, HLV const &p2out, HLV const &p2in, HLV const &qH1, HLV const &qH2, double mt, bool include_bottom, double mb, double vev)
 Square of gQbar->gQbarg Higgs+Jets Unordered b Scattering Current. More...
double ME_H_unob_gQ (HLV const &pg, HLV const &p1out, HLV const &p1in, HLV const &p2out, HLV const &p2in, HLV const &qH1, HLV const &qH2, double mt, bool include_bottom, double mb, double vev)
 Square of gQ->gQg Higgs+Jets Unordered b Scattering Current. More...
impact factors for Higgs + jet
double C2gHgm (HLV const &p2, HLV const &p1, HLV const &pH, double vev)
 Implements Eq. (4.22) in [4] with modifications to incoming plus momenta. More...
double C2gHgp (HLV const &p2, HLV const &p1, HLV const &pH, double vev)
 Implements Eq. (4.23) in [4] with modifications to incoming plus momenta. More...
double C2qHqm (HLV const &p2, HLV const &p1, HLV const &pH, double vev)
 Implements Eq. (4.21) in [4]. More...

Typedef Documentation


using HEJ::currents::COM = typedef std::complex<double>

◆ current

using HEJ::currents::current = typedef std::array<COM, 4>


typedef CLHEP::HepLorentzVector HEJ::currents::HLV

Function Documentation

◆ C2gHgm()

double HEJ::currents::C2gHgm ( HLV const &  p2,
HLV const &  p1,
HLV const &  pH,
double  vev 

Implements Eq. (4.22) in [4] with modifications to incoming plus momenta.

p2Momentum of Particle 2
p1Momentum of Particle 1
pHMomentum of Higgs
vevVacuum expectation value
impact factor

This gives the impact factor. First it determines whether this is the case \(p1p\sim php\gg p3p\) or the opposite

◆ C2gHgp()

double HEJ::currents::C2gHgp ( HLV const &  p2,
HLV const &  p1,
HLV const &  pH,
double  vev 

Implements Eq. (4.23) in [4] with modifications to incoming plus momenta.

p2Momentum of Particle 2
p1Momentum of Particle 1
pHMomentum of Higgs
vevVacuum expectation value
impact factor

This gives the impact factor. First it determines whether this is the case \(p1p\sim php\gg p3p\) or the opposite

◆ C2qHqm()

double HEJ::currents::C2qHqm ( HLV const &  p2,
HLV const &  p1,
HLV const &  pH,
double  vev 

Implements Eq. (4.21) in [4].

p2Momentum of Particle 2
p1Momentum of Particle 1
pHMomentum of Higgs
vevVacuum expectation value
impact factor

This gives the impact factor. First it determines whether this is the case \(p1p\sim php\gg p3p\) or the opposite

remove this function is not used

◆ K_g() [1/2]

double HEJ::currents::K_g ( double  p1minus,
double  paminus 
These are not currents and should be moved elsewhere.

◆ K_g() [2/2]

double HEJ::currents::K_g ( HLV const &  pout,
HLV const &  pin 

◆ ME_Cenqqbar_qq()

double HEJ::currents::ME_Cenqqbar_qq ( HLV const &  pa,
HLV const &  pb,
std::vector< HLV > const &  partons,
bool  aqlinepa,
bool  aqlinepb,
bool  qqbarmarker,
std::size_t  nabove 

Square of qq->qQQbarq Pure Jets Central qqbar Scattering Current.

kaMomentum of incoming leg a
kbMomentum of incoming leg b
partonsvector of outgoing partons
aqlinepaIs leg a an anti-quark?
aqlinepbIs leg b an anti-quark?
qqbarmarkerIs anti-quark further back in rapidity than quark (qqbar pair)
naboveNumber of gluons emitted above qqbar pair (back in rap)
Square of the current contractions for qq->q+QQbar+q

◆ ME_Exqqbar_qbarqg()

double HEJ::currents::ME_Exqqbar_qbarqg ( HLV const &  pgin,
HLV const &  pqout,
HLV const &  pqbarout,
HLV const &  p2out,
HLV const &  p2in 

Square of gg->qbarqg Pure Jets Extremal qqbar backwards Scattering Current.

pginMomentum of incoming gluon
pqoutMomentum of Quark from split
pqbaroutMomentum of Anti-quark from split
p2outMomentum of Outgoing forwards leg
p2inMomentum of Incoming forwards leg
Square of the current contractions for gg->qbarq+g
this can be used for Exqqbarf contributions by inputting arguments appropriately.

◆ ME_Exqqbar_qbarqQ()

double HEJ::currents::ME_Exqqbar_qbarqQ ( HLV const &  pgin,
HLV const &  pqout,
HLV const &  pqbarout,
HLV const &  p2out,
HLV const &  p2in 

Square of gQ->qbarqQ Pure Jets Extremal qqbar backwards Scattering Current.

pginMomentum of incoming gluon
pqoutMomentum of Quark from split
pqbaroutMomentum of Anti-quark from split
p2outMomentum of Outgoing forwards leg
p2inMomentum of Incoming forwards leg
Square of the current contractions for gQ->qbarqg
this can be used for Exqqbarf contributions by inputting arguments appropriately.

◆ ME_Exqqbar_qqbarg()

double HEJ::currents::ME_Exqqbar_qqbarg ( HLV const &  pgin,
HLV const &  pqout,
HLV const &  pqbarout,
HLV const &  p2out,
HLV const &  p2in 

Square of gg->qqbarg Pure Jets Extremal qqbar backwards Scattering Current.

pginMomentum of incoming gluon
pqoutMomentum of Quark from split
pqbaroutMomentum of Anti-quark from split
p2outMomentum of Outgoing forwards leg
p2inMomentum of Incoming forwards leg
Square of the current contractions for gg->qqbar+g
this can be used for Exqqbarf contributions by inputting arguments appropriately.

◆ ME_Exqqbar_qqbarQ()

double HEJ::currents::ME_Exqqbar_qqbarQ ( HLV const &  pgin,
HLV const &  pqout,
HLV const &  pqbarout,
HLV const &  p2out,
HLV const &  p2in 

Square of gQ->qqbarQ Pure Jets Extremal qqbar backwards Scattering Current.

pginMomentum of incoming gluon
pqoutMomentum of Quark from split
pqbaroutMomentum of Anti-quark from split
p2outMomentum of Outgoing forwards leg
p2inMomentum of Incoming forwards leg
Square of the current contractions for gQ->qqbar+g
this can be used for Exqqbarf contributions by inputting arguments appropriately.

◆ ME_gg()

double HEJ::currents::ME_gg ( HLV const &  p1out,
HLV const &  p1in,
HLV const &  p2out,
HLV const &  p2in 

Square of gg->gg Pure Jets Scattering Current.

p1outMomentum of final state gluon
p1inMomentum of initial state gluon
p2outMomentum of final state gluon
p2inMomentum of intial state gluon
Square of the current contractions for gg->gg

◆ ME_H_gg()

double HEJ::currents::ME_H_gg ( HLV const &  p1out,
HLV const &  p1in,
HLV const &  p2out,
HLV const &  p2in,
HLV const &  qH1,
HLV const &  qH2,
double  mt,
bool  include_bottom,
double  mb,
double  vev 

Square of gg->gg Higgs+Jets Scattering Current.

p1outMomentum of final state gluon
p1inMomentum of initial state gluon
p2outMomentum of final state gluon
p2inMomentum of intial state gluon
qH1Momentum of t-channel propagator before Higgs
qH2Momentum of t-channel propagator after Higgs
mtTop quark mass
include_bottomSpecifies whether bottom corrections are included
mbBottom quark mass
vevVacuum expectation value
Square of the current contractions for gg->gg

g~p1 g~p2 should be called with qH1 meant to be contracted with p2 in first part of vertex (i.e. if g is backward, qH1 is forward)

◆ ME_H_qbarg()

double HEJ::currents::ME_H_qbarg ( HLV const &  p1out,
HLV const &  p1in,
HLV const &  p2out,
HLV const &  p2in,
HLV const &  qH1,
HLV const &  qH2,
double  mt,
bool  include_bottom,
double  mb,
double  vev 

Square of qbarg->qbarg Higgs+Jets Scattering Current.

p1outMomentum of final state anti-quark
p1inMomentum of initial state anti-quark
p2outMomentum of final state gluon
p2inMomentum of intial state gluon
qH1Momentum of t-channel propagator before Higgs
qH2Momentum of t-channel propagator after Higgs
mtTop quark mass
include_bottomSpecifies whether bottom corrections are included
mbBottom quark mass
vevVacuum expectation value
Square of the current contractions for qbarg->qbarg

qbar~p1 g~p2 (i.e. ALWAYS p1 for anti-quark, p2 for gluon) should be called with qH1 meant to be contracted with p2 in first part of vertex (i.e. if g is backward, qH1 is forward)

◆ ME_H_qbarQ()

double HEJ::currents::ME_H_qbarQ ( HLV const &  p1out,
HLV const &  p1in,
HLV const &  p2out,
HLV const &  p2in,
HLV const &  qH1,
HLV const &  qH2,
double  mt,
bool  include_bottom,
double  mb,
double  vev 

Square of qbarQ->qbarQ Higgs+Jets Scattering Current.

p1outMomentum of final state anti-quark
p1inMomentum of initial state anti-quark
p2outMomentum of final state quark
p2inMomentum of intial state quark
qH1Momentum of t-channel propagator before Higgs
qH2Momentum of t-channel propagator after Higgs
mtTop quark mass
include_bottomSpecifies whether bottom corrections are included
mbBottom quark mass
vevVacuum expectation value
Square of the current contractions for qbarQ->qbarQ

qbar~p1 Q~p2 (i.e. ALWAYS p1 for anti-quark, p2 for quark) should be called with qH1 meant to be contracted with p2 in first part of vertex (i.e. if Q is backward, qH1 is forward)

◆ ME_H_qbarQbar()

double HEJ::currents::ME_H_qbarQbar ( HLV const &  p1out,
HLV const &  p1in,
HLV const &  p2out,
HLV const &  p2in,
HLV const &  qH1,
HLV const &  qH2,
double  mt,
bool  include_bottom,
double  mb,
double  vev 

Square of qbarQbar->qbarQbar Higgs+Jets Scattering Current.

p1outMomentum of final state anti-quark
p1inMomentum of initial state anti-quark
p2outMomentum of final state anti-quark
p2inMomentum of intial state anti-quark
qH1Momentum of t-channel propagator before Higgs
qH2Momentum of t-channel propagator after Higgs
mtTop quark mass
include_bottomSpecifies whether bottom corrections are included
mbBottom quark mass
vevVacuum expectation value
Square of the current contractions for qbarQbar->qbarQbar

qbar~p1 Qbar~p2 (i.e. ALWAYS p1 for anti-quark, p2 for anti-quark) should be called with qH1 meant to be contracted with p2 in first part of vertex (i.e. if Qbar is backward, qH1 is forward)

◆ ME_H_qg()

double HEJ::currents::ME_H_qg ( HLV const &  p1out,
HLV const &  p1in,
HLV const &  p2out,
HLV const &  p2in,
HLV const &  qH1,
HLV const &  qH2,
double  mt,
bool  include_bottom,
double  mb,
double  vev 

Square of qg->qg Higgs+Jets Scattering Current.

p1outMomentum of final state quark
p1inMomentum of initial state quark
p2outMomentum of final state gluon
p2inMomentum of intial state gluon
qH1Momentum of t-channel propagator before Higgs
qH2Momentum of t-channel propagator after Higgs
mtTop quark mass
include_bottomSpecifies whether bottom corrections are included
mbBottom quark mass
vevVacuum expectation value
Square of the current contractions for qg->qg

q~p1 g~p2 (i.e. ALWAYS p1 for quark, p2 for gluon) should be called with qH1 meant to be contracted with p2 in first part of vertex (i.e. if g is backward, qH1 is forward)

◆ ME_H_qQ()

double HEJ::currents::ME_H_qQ ( HLV const &  p1out,
HLV const &  p1in,
HLV const &  p2out,
HLV const &  p2in,
HLV const &  qH1,
HLV const &  qH2,
double  mt,
bool  include_bottom,
double  mb,
double  vev 

Square of qQ->qQ Higgs+Jets Scattering Current.

p1outMomentum of final state quark
p1inMomentum of initial state quark
p2outMomentum of final state quark
p2inMomentum of intial state quark
qH1Momentum of t-channel propagator before Higgs
qH2Momentum of t-channel propagator after Higgs
mtTop quark mass
include_bottomSpecifies whether bottom corrections are included
mbBottom quark mass
vevVacuum expectation value
Square of the current contractions for qQ->qQ

q~p1 Q~p2 (i.e. ALWAYS p1 for quark, p2 for quark) should be called with qH1 meant to be contracted with p2 in first part of vertex (i.e. if Q is backward, qH1 is forward)

◆ ME_H_qQbar()

double HEJ::currents::ME_H_qQbar ( HLV const &  p1out,
HLV const &  p1in,
HLV const &  p2out,
HLV const &  p2in,
HLV const &  qH1,
HLV const &  qH2,
double  mt,
bool  include_bottom,
double  mb,
double  vev 

Square of qQbar->qQbar Higgs+Jets Scattering Current.

p1outMomentum of final state quark
p1inMomentum of initial state quark
p2outMomentum of final state anti-quark
p2inMomentum of intial state anti-quark
qH1Momentum of t-channel propagator before Higgs
qH2Momentum of t-channel propagator after Higgs
mtTop quark mass
include_bottomSpecifies whether bottom corrections are included
mbBottom quark mass
vevVacuum expectation value
Square of the current contractions for qQ->qQ

q~p1 Qbar~p2 (i.e. ALWAYS p1 for quark, p2 for anti-quark) should be called with qH1 meant to be contracted with p2 in first part of vertex (i.e. if Qbar is backward, qH1 is forward)

◆ ME_H_unob_gQ()

double HEJ::currents::ME_H_unob_gQ ( HLV const &  pg,
HLV const &  p1out,
HLV const &  p1in,
HLV const &  p2out,
HLV const &  p2in,
HLV const &  qH1,
HLV const &  qH2,
double  mt,
bool  include_bottom,
double  mb,
double  vev 

Square of gQ->gQg Higgs+Jets Unordered b Scattering Current.

pgMomentum of unordered b gluon
p1outMomentum of final state gluon
p1inMomentum of initial state gluon
p2outMomentum of final state quark
p2inMomentum of intial state quark
qH1Momentum of t-channel propagator before Higgs
qH2Momentum of t-channel propagator after Higgs
mtTop quark mass
include_bottomSpecifies whether bottom corrections are included
mbBottom quark mass
vevVacuum expectation value
Square of the current contractions for gQ->gQg

This construction is taking rapidity order: p1out >> p2out > pg

◆ ME_H_unob_gQbar()

double HEJ::currents::ME_H_unob_gQbar ( HLV const &  pg,
HLV const &  p1out,
HLV const &  p1in,
HLV const &  p2out,
HLV const &  p2in,
HLV const &  qH1,
HLV const &  qH2,
double  mt,
bool  include_bottom,
double  mb,
double  vev 

Square of gQbar->gQbarg Higgs+Jets Unordered b Scattering Current.

pgMomentum of unordered b gluon
p1outMomentum of final state gluon
p1inMomentum of initial state gluon
p2outMomentum of final state anti-quark
p2inMomentum of intial state anti-quark
qH1Momentum of t-channel propagator before Higgs
qH2Momentum of t-channel propagator after Higgs
mtTop quark mass
include_bottomSpecifies whether bottom corrections are included
mbBottom quark mass
vevVacuum expectation value
Square of the current contractions for gQbar->gQbarg

This construction is taking rapidity order: p1out >> p2out > pg

◆ ME_H_unob_qbarQ()

double HEJ::currents::ME_H_unob_qbarQ ( HLV const &  pg,
HLV const &  p1out,
HLV const &  p1in,
HLV const &  p2out,
HLV const &  p2in,
HLV const &  qH1,
HLV const &  qH2,
double  mt,
bool  include_bottom,
double  mb,
double  vev 

Square of qbarQ->qbarQg Higgs+Jets Unordered b Scattering Current.

pgMomentum of unordered b gluon
p1outMomentum of final state anti-quark
p1inMomentum of initial state anti-quark
p2outMomentum of final state quark
p2inMomentum of intial state quark
qH1Momentum of t-channel propagator before Higgs
qH2Momentum of t-channel propagator after Higgs
mtTop quark mass
include_bottomSpecifies whether bottom corrections are included
mbBottom quark mass
vevVacuum expectation value
Square of the current contractions for qbarQ->qbarQg

This construction is taking rapidity order: p1out >> p2out > pg

◆ ME_H_unob_qbarQbar()

double HEJ::currents::ME_H_unob_qbarQbar ( HLV const &  pg,
HLV const &  p1out,
HLV const &  p1in,
HLV const &  p2out,
HLV const &  p2in,
HLV const &  qH1,
HLV const &  qH2,
double  mt,
bool  include_bottom,
double  mb,
double  vev 

Square of qbarQbar->qbarQbarg Higgs+Jets Unordered b Scattering Current.

pgMomentum of unordered b gluon
p1outMomentum of final state anti-quark
p1inMomentum of initial state anti-quark
p2outMomentum of final state anti-quark
p2inMomentum of intial state anti-quark
qH1Momentum of t-channel propagator before Higgs
qH2Momentum of t-channel propagator after Higgs
mtTop quark mass
include_bottomSpecifies whether bottom corrections are included
mbBottom quark mass
vevVacuum expectation value
Square of the current contractions for qbarQbar->qbarQbarg

This construction is taking rapidity order: p1out >> p2out > pg

◆ ME_H_unob_qQ()

double HEJ::currents::ME_H_unob_qQ ( HLV const &  pg,
HLV const &  p1out,
HLV const &  p1in,
HLV const &  p2out,
HLV const &  p2in,
HLV const &  qH1,
HLV const &  qH2,
double  mt,
bool  include_bottom,
double  mb,
double  vev 

Square of qQ->qQg Higgs+Jets Unordered b Scattering Current.

pgMomentum of unordered b gluon
p1outMomentum of final state quark
p1inMomentum of initial state quark
p2outMomentum of final state quark
p2inMomentum of intial state quark
qH1Momentum of t-channel propagator before Higgs
qH2Momentum of t-channel propagator after Higgs
mtTop quark mass
include_bottomSpecifies whether bottom corrections are included
mbBottom quark mass
vevVacuum expectation value
Square of the current contractions for qQ->qQg

This construction is taking rapidity order: p1out >> p2out > pg

◆ ME_H_unob_qQbar()

double HEJ::currents::ME_H_unob_qQbar ( HLV const &  pg,
HLV const &  p1out,
HLV const &  p1in,
HLV const &  p2out,
HLV const &  p2in,
HLV const &  qH1,
HLV const &  qH2,
double  mt,
bool  include_bottom,
double  mb,
double  vev 

Square of qQbar->qQbarg Higgs+Jets Unordered b Scattering Current.

pgMomentum of unordered b gluon
p1outMomentum of final state quark
p1inMomentum of initial state quark
p2outMomentum of final state anti-quark
p2inMomentum of intial state anti-quark
qH1Momentum of t-channel propagator before Higgs
qH2Momentum of t-channel propagator after Higgs
mtTop quark mass
include_bottomSpecifies whether bottom corrections are included
mbBottom quark mass
vevVacuum expectation value
Square of the current contractions for qQbar->qQbarg

This construction is taking rapidity order: p1out >> p2out > pg

◆ ME_Houtside_gq()

double HEJ::currents::ME_Houtside_gq ( HLV const &  p1out,
HLV const &  p1in,
HLV const &  p2out,
HLV const &  p2in,
HLV const &  pH,
double  mt,
bool  include_bottom,
double  mb,
double  vev 

Square of gq->gq Higgs+Jets Scattering Current with Higgs before Gluon.

p1outMomentum of final state gluon
p1inMomentum of initial state gluon
p2outMomentum of final state gluon
p2inMomentum of intial state gluon
pHMomentum of Higgs
mtTop quark mass
include_bottomSpecifies whether bottom corrections are included
mbBottom quark mass
vevVacuum expectation value
Square of the current contraction

◆ ME_qbarg()

double HEJ::currents::ME_qbarg ( HLV const &  p1out,
HLV const &  p1in,
HLV const &  p2out,
HLV const &  p2in 

Square of qbarg->qbarg Pure Jets Scattering Current.

p1outMomentum of final state anti-quark
p1inMomentum of initial state anti-quark
p2outMomentum of final state gluon
p2inMomentum of intial state gluon
Square of the current contractions for qbarg->qbarg
this can be used for gqbar->gqbar Scattering by inputting arguments appropriately.

◆ ME_qbarQbar()

double HEJ::currents::ME_qbarQbar ( HLV const &  p1out,
HLV const &  p1in,
HLV const &  p2out,
HLV const &  p2in 

Square of qbarQbar->qbarQbar Pure Jets Scattering Current.

p1outMomentum of final state anti-quark
p1inMomentum of initial state anti-quark
p2outMomentum of final state anti-quark
p2inMomentum of intial state anti-quark
Square of the current contractions for qbarQbar->qbarQbar

◆ ME_qg()

double HEJ::currents::ME_qg ( HLV const &  p1out,
HLV const &  p1in,
HLV const &  p2out,
HLV const &  p2in 

Square of qg->qg Pure Jets Scattering Current.

p1outMomentum of final state quark
p1inMomentum of initial state quark
p2outMomentum of final state gluon
p2inMomentum of intial state gluon
Square of the current contractions for qg->qg
this can be used for gq->gq Scattering by inputting arguments appropriately.

◆ ME_qQ()

double HEJ::currents::ME_qQ ( HLV const &  p1out,
HLV const &  p1in,
HLV const &  p2out,
HLV const &  p2in 

Square of qQ->qQ Pure Jets Scattering Current.

p1outMomentum of final state quark
p1inMomentum of initial state quark
p2outMomentum of final state quark
p2inMomentum of intial state quark
Square of the current contractions for qQ->qQ Scattering

◆ ME_qQbar()

double HEJ::currents::ME_qQbar ( HLV const &  p1out,
HLV const &  p1in,
HLV const &  p2out,
HLV const &  p2in 

Square of qQbar->qQbar Pure Jets Scattering Current.

p1outMomentum of final state quark
p1inMomentum of initial state quark
p2outMomentum of final state anti-quark
p2inMomentum of intial state anti-quark
Square of the current contractions for qQbar->qQbar
this can be used for qbarQ->qbarQ Scattering by inputting arguments appropriately.

◆ ME_unob_qbarg()

double HEJ::currents::ME_unob_qbarg ( HLV const &  pg,
HLV const &  p1out,
HLV const &  p1in,
HLV const &  p2out,
HLV const &  p2in 

Square of qbarg->qbarg Pure Jets Unordered backwards Scattering Current.

p1outMomentum of final state gluon
p1inMomentum of initial state gluon
pgMomentum of unordered gluon
p2outMomentum of final state anti-quark
p2inMomentum of intial state anti-quark
Square of the current contractions for qbarg->qbarg
this can be used for unof contributions by inputting arguments appropriately.

◆ ME_unob_qbarQ()

double HEJ::currents::ME_unob_qbarQ ( HLV const &  pg,
HLV const &  p1out,
HLV const &  p1in,
HLV const &  p2out,
HLV const &  p2in 

Square of qbarQ->qbarQ Pure Jets Unordered backwards Scattering Current.

p1outMomentum of final state anti-quark
p1inMomentum of initial state anti-quark
pgMomentum of unordered gluon
p2outMomentum of final state quark
p2inMomentum of intial state quark
Square of the current contractions for qbarQ->qbarQ
this can be used for unof contributions by inputting arguments appropriately.

◆ ME_unob_qbarQbar()

double HEJ::currents::ME_unob_qbarQbar ( HLV const &  pg,
HLV const &  p1out,
HLV const &  p1in,
HLV const &  p2out,
HLV const &  p2in 

Square of qbarQbar->qbarQbar Pure Jets Unordered backwards Scattering Current.

p1outMomentum of final state anti-quark
p1inMomentum of initial state anti-quark
pgMomentum of unordered gluon
p2outMomentum of final state anti-quark
p2inMomentum of intial state anti-quark
Square of the current contractions for qbarQbar->qbarQbar
this can be used for unof contributions by inputting arguments appropriately.

◆ ME_unob_qg()

double HEJ::currents::ME_unob_qg ( HLV const &  pg,
HLV const &  p1out,
HLV const &  p1in,
HLV const &  p2out,
HLV const &  p2in 

Square of qg->qg Pure Jets Unordered backwards Scattering Current.

p1outMomentum of final state gluon
p1inMomentum of initial state gluon
pgMomentum of unordered gluon
p2outMomentum of final state quark
p2inMomentum of intial state quark
Square of the current contractions for qg->qg
this can be used for unof contributions by inputting arguments appropriately.

◆ ME_unob_qQ()

double HEJ::currents::ME_unob_qQ ( HLV const &  pg,
HLV const &  p1out,
HLV const &  p1in,
HLV const &  p2out,
HLV const &  p2in 

Square of qQ->qQ Pure Jets Scattering Current.

p1outMomentum of final state quark
p1inMomentum of initial state quark
pgMomentum of unordered gluon
p2outMomentum of final state quark
p2inMomentum of intial state quark
Square of the current contractions for qQ->qQ

◆ ME_unob_qQbar()

double HEJ::currents::ME_unob_qQbar ( HLV const &  pg,
HLV const &  p1out,
HLV const &  p1in,
HLV const &  p2out,
HLV const &  p2in 

Square of qQbar->qQbar Pure Jets Unordered backwards Scattering Current.

p1outMomentum of final state quark
p1inMomentum of initial state quark
pgMomentum of unordered gluon
p2outMomentum of final state anti-quark
p2inMomentum of intial state anti-quark
Square of the current contractions for qQbar->qQbar
this can be used for unof contributions by inputting arguments appropriately.

◆ ME_W_Cenqqbar_qq()

double HEJ::currents::ME_W_Cenqqbar_qq ( HLV  pa,
HLV  pb,
HLV  pl,
HLV  plbar,
std::vector< HLV partons,
bool  aqlinepa,
bool  aqlinepb,
bool  qqbar_marker,
int  nabove,
int  nbelow,
bool  forwards,
ParticleProperties const &  wprop 

W+Jets qqbarCentral. W emission from backwards leg.

paMomentum of initial state particle a
pbMomentum of initial state particle b
plMomentum of final state lepton
plbarMomentum of final state anti-lepton
partonsoutgoing parton momenta
aqlinepaTrue= pa is anti-quark
aqlinepbTrue= pb is anti-quark
qqbar_markerOrdering of the qqbar pair produced (q-qbar vs qbar-q)
naboveNumber of lipatov vertices "above" qqbar pair
nbelowNumber of lipatov vertices "below" qqbar pair
forwardsSwap to emission off front leg TODO: remove so args can be const
wpropMass and width of the W boson
Square of the current contractions for qq>qQQbarWq

Calculates the square of the current contractions with extremal qqbar pair production. This is calculated through the use of crossing symmetry.

◆ ME_W_Exqqbar_QQq()

double HEJ::currents::ME_W_Exqqbar_QQq ( HLV const &  pa,
HLV const &  pb,
HLV const &  p1,
HLV const &  p2,
HLV const &  p3,
HLV const &  plbar,
HLV const &  pl,
bool  aqlinepa,
ParticleProperties const &  wprop 

W+Extremal qqbar. gg->qqbarg. qqbar on forwards leg, W emission backwards leg.

paMomentum of initial state (anti-)quark
pbMomentum of initial state gluon
p1Momentum of final state (anti-)quark (after W emission)
p2Momentum of final state anti-quark
p3Momentum of final state quark
plbarMomentum of final state anti-lepton
plMomentum of final state lepton
aqlinepaIs opposite extremal leg to qqbar a quark or antiquark line
wpropMass and width of the W boson
Square of the current contractions for gq->qqbarqW

Calculates the square of the current contractions with extremal qqbar pair production. This is calculated via current contraction of existing currents. Assumes qqbar split from forwards leg, W emission from backwards leg. Switch input (pa<->pb, p1<->pn) if calculating forwards qqbar.

◆ ME_W_qbarg()

double HEJ::currents::ME_W_qbarg ( HLV const &  p1out,
HLV const &  plbar,
HLV const &  pl,
HLV const &  p1in,
HLV const &  p2out,
HLV const &  p2in,
ParticleProperties const &  wprop 

Square of qbarg->qbarenug W+Jets Scattering Current.

p1outMomentum of final state anti-quark
plbarMomentum of final state anti-lepton
plMomentum of final state lepton
p1inMomentum of initial state anti-quark
p2outMomentum of final state gluon
p2inMomentum of intial state gluon
wpropMass and width of the W boson
Square of the current contractions for qbarg->qbarenug

This returns the square of the current contractions in qbarg->qbarenug scattering with an emission of a W Boson.

◆ ME_W_qbarQ()

double HEJ::currents::ME_W_qbarQ ( HLV const &  p1out,
HLV const &  plbar,
HLV const &  pl,
HLV const &  p1in,
HLV const &  p2out,
HLV const &  p2in,
ParticleProperties const &  wprop 

Square of qbarQ->qbarenuQ W+Jets Scattering Current.

p1outMomentum of final state anti-quark
plbarMomentum of final state anti-lepton
plMomentum of final state lepton
p1inMomentum of initial state anti-quark
p2outMomentum of final state quark
p2inMomentum of intial state quark
wpropMass and width of the W boson
Square of the current contractions for qbarQ->qbarenuQ

This returns the square of the current contractions in qbarQ->qbarenuQ scattering with an emission of a W Boson.

◆ ME_W_qbarQbar()

double HEJ::currents::ME_W_qbarQbar ( HLV const &  p1out,
HLV const &  plbar,
HLV const &  pl,
HLV const &  p1in,
HLV const &  p2out,
HLV const &  p2in,
ParticleProperties const &  wprop 

Square of qbarQbar->qbarenuQbar W+Jets Scattering Current.

p1outMomentum of final state anti-quark
plbarMomentum of final state anti-lepton
plMomentum of final state lepton
p1inMomentum of initial state anti-quark
p2outMomentum of final state anti-quark
p2inMomentum of intial state anti-quark
wpropMass and width of the W boson
Square of the current contractions for qbarQbar->qbarenuQbar

This returns the square of the current contractions in qbarQbar->qbarenuQbar scattering with an emission of a W Boson.

◆ ME_W_qg()

double HEJ::currents::ME_W_qg ( HLV const &  p1out,
HLV const &  plbar,
HLV const &  pl,
HLV const &  p1in,
HLV const &  p2out,
HLV const &  p2in,
ParticleProperties const &  wprop 

Square of qg->qenug W+Jets Scattering Current.

p1outMomentum of final state quark
plbarMomentum of final state anti-lepton
plMomentum of final state lepton
p1inMomentum of initial state quark
p2outMomentum of final state gluon
p2inMomentum of intial state gluon
wpropMass and width of the W boson
Square of the current contractions for qg->qenug

This returns the square of the current contractions in qg->qenug scattering with an emission of a W Boson.

◆ ME_W_qQ()

double HEJ::currents::ME_W_qQ ( HLV const &  p1out,
HLV const &  plbar,
HLV const &  pl,
HLV const &  p1in,
HLV const &  p2out,
HLV const &  p2in,
ParticleProperties const &  wprop 

Square of qQ->qenuQ W+Jets Scattering Current.

p1outMomentum of final state quark
plbarMomentum of final state anti-lepton
plMomentum of final state lepton
p1inMomentum of initial state quark
p2outMomentum of final state quark
p2inMomentum of intial state quark
wpropMass and width of the W boson
Square of the current contractions for qQ->qenuQ

This returns the square of the current contractions in qQ->qenuQ scattering with an emission of a W Boson.

◆ ME_W_qQbar()

double HEJ::currents::ME_W_qQbar ( HLV const &  p1out,
HLV const &  plbar,
HLV const &  pl,
HLV const &  p1in,
HLV const &  p2out,
HLV const &  p2in,
ParticleProperties const &  wprop 

Square of qQbar->qenuQbar W+Jets Scattering Current.

p1outMomentum of final state quark
plbarMomentum of final state anti-lepton
plMomentum of final state lepton
p1inMomentum of initial state quark
p2outMomentum of final state anti-quark
p2inMomentum of intial state anti-quark
wpropMass and width of the W boson
Square of the current contractions for qQbar->qenuQbar

This returns the square of the current contractions in qQbar->qenuQbar scattering with an emission of a W Boson.

◆ ME_W_unob_qbarQ()

double HEJ::currents::ME_W_unob_qbarQ ( HLV const &  p1out,
HLV const &  p1in,
HLV const &  p2out,
HLV const &  p2in,
HLV const &  pg,
HLV const &  plbar,
HLV const &  pl,
ParticleProperties const &  wprop 

qbarQg Wjets Unordered backwards opposite leg to W

p1outMomentum of final state anti-quark a
p1inMomentum of initial state anti-quark a
p2outMomentum of final state quark b
p2inMomentum of intial state quark b
pgMomentum of final state unordered gluon
plbarMomentum of final state anti-lepton
plMomentum of final state lepton
wpropMass and width of the W boson
Square of the current contractions for qbarQ->qbarQg

This returns the square of the current contractions in qbarQg->qbarQg scattering with an emission of a W Boson.

◆ ME_W_unob_qbarQbar()

double HEJ::currents::ME_W_unob_qbarQbar ( HLV const &  p1out,
HLV const &  p1in,
HLV const &  p2out,
HLV const &  p2in,
HLV const &  pg,
HLV const &  plbar,
HLV const &  pl,
ParticleProperties const &  wprop 

qbarQbarg Wjets Unordered backwards opposite leg to W

p1outMomentum of final state anti-quark a
p1inMomentum of initial state anti-quark a
p2outMomentum of final state anti-quark b
p2inMomentum of intial state anti-quark b
pgMomentum of final state unordered gluon
plbarMomentum of final state anti-lepton
plMomentum of final state lepton
wpropMass and width of the W boson
Square of the current contractions for qbarQbar->qbarQbarg

This returns the square of the current contractions in qbarQbarg->qbarQbarg scattering with an emission of a W Boson.

◆ ME_W_unob_qQ()

double HEJ::currents::ME_W_unob_qQ ( HLV const &  p1out,
HLV const &  p1in,
HLV const &  p2out,
HLV const &  p2in,
HLV const &  pg,
HLV const &  plbar,
HLV const &  pl,
ParticleProperties const &  wprop 

qQg Wjets Unordered backwards opposite leg to W

p1outMomentum of final state quark a
p1inMomentum of initial state quark a
p2outMomentum of final state quark b
p2inMomentum of intial state quark b
pgMomentum of final state unordered gluon
plbarMomentum of final state anti-lepton
plMomentum of final state lepton
wpropMass and width of the W boson
Square of the current contractions for qQ->qQg Scattering

This returns the square of the current contractions in qQg->qQg scattering with an emission of a W Boson.

◆ ME_W_unob_qQbar()

double HEJ::currents::ME_W_unob_qQbar ( HLV const &  p1out,
HLV const &  p1in,
HLV const &  p2out,
HLV const &  p2in,
HLV const &  pg,
HLV const &  plbar,
HLV const &  pl,
ParticleProperties const &  wprop 

qQbarg Wjets Unordered backwards opposite leg to W

p1outMomentum of final state quark a
p1inMomentum of initial state quark a
p2outMomentum of final state anti-quark b
p2inMomentum of intial state anti-quark b
pgMomentum of final state unordered gluon
plbarMomentum of final state anti-lepton
plMomentum of final state lepton
wpropMass and width of the W boson
Square of the current contractions for qQbar->qQbarg

This returns the square of the current contractions in qQbarg->qQbarg scattering with an emission of a W Boson.

◆ ME_WCenqqbar_qq()

double HEJ::currents::ME_WCenqqbar_qq ( HLV const &  pa,
HLV const &  pb,
HLV const &  pl,
HLV const &  plbar,
std::vector< HLV > const &  partons,
bool  aqlinepa,
bool  aqlinepb,
bool  qqbar_marker,
int  nabove,
ParticleProperties const &  wprop 

W+Jets qqbarCentral. qqbar W emission.

paMomentum of initial state particle a
pbMomentum of initial state particle b
plMomentum of final state lepton
plbarMomentum of final state anti-lepton
partonsVector of outgoing parton momenta
aqlinepaTrue= pa is anti-quark
aqlinepbTrue= pb is anti-quark
qqbar_markerOrdering of the qqbar pair produced (q-qbar vs qbar-q)
naboveNumber of lipatov vertices "above" qqbar pair
wpropMass and width of the W boson
Square of the current contractions for qq>qQQbarWq

Calculates the square of the current contractions with extremal qqbar pair production. This is calculated through the use of crossing symmetry.

◆ ME_WExqqbar_qbarqg()

double HEJ::currents::ME_WExqqbar_qbarqg ( HLV const &  pgin,
HLV const &  pqout,
HLV const &  plbar,
HLV const &  pl,
HLV const &  pqbarout,
HLV const &  p2out,
HLV const &  p2in,
ParticleProperties const &  wprop 

W+Extremal qqbar. gg->qbarq+g.

pginMomentum of initial state gluon
pqoutMomentum of final state quark a
plbarMomentum of final state anti-lepton
plMomentum of final state lepton
pqbaroutMomentum of final state anti-quark a
p2outMomentum of initial state gluon b
p2inMomentum of final state gluon b
wpropMass and width of the W boson
Square of the current contractions for gg->qbarqg

Calculates the square of the current contractions with extremal qqbar pair production. This is calculated through the use of crossing symmetry.

◆ ME_WExqqbar_qbarqQ()

double HEJ::currents::ME_WExqqbar_qbarqQ ( HLV const &  pgin,
HLV const &  pqout,
HLV const &  plbar,
HLV const &  pl,
HLV const &  pqbarout,
HLV const &  p2out,
HLV const &  p2in,
ParticleProperties const &  wprop 

W+Extremal qqbar. qbarq+Q.

pginMomentum of initial state gluon
pqoutMomentum of final state quark a
plbarMomentum of final state anti-lepton
plMomentum of final state lepton
pqbaroutMomentum of final state anti-quark a
p2outMomentum of initial state anti-quark b
p2inMomentum of final state gluon b
wpropMass and width of the W boson
Square of the current contractions for ->qbarqQ

Calculates the square of the current contractions with extremal qqbar pair production. This is calculated through the use of crossing symmetry.

◆ ME_WExqqbar_qqbarg()

double HEJ::currents::ME_WExqqbar_qqbarg ( HLV const &  pgin,
HLV const &  pqbarout,
HLV const &  plbar,
HLV const &  pl,
HLV const &  pqout,
HLV const &  p2out,
HLV const &  p2in,
ParticleProperties const &  wprop 

W+Extremal qqbar. gg->qqbar+g.

pginMomentum of initial state gluon
pqoutMomentum of final state quark a
plbarMomentum of final state anti-lepton
plMomentum of final state lepton
pqbaroutMomentum of final state anti-quark a
p2outMomentum of initial state gluon a
p2inMomentum of final state gluon b
wpropMass and width of the W boson
Square of the current contractions for gg->qqbarg

Calculates the square of the current contractions with extremal qqbar pair production. This is calculated through the use of crossing symmetry.

◆ ME_WExqqbar_qqbarQ()

double HEJ::currents::ME_WExqqbar_qqbarQ ( HLV const &  pgin,
HLV const &  pqbarout,
HLV const &  plbar,
HLV const &  pl,
HLV const &  pqout,
HLV const &  p2out,
HLV const &  p2in,
ParticleProperties const &  wprop 

W+Extremal qqbar. qqbar+Q.

pginMomentum of initial state gluon
pqbaroutMomentum of final state anti-quark a
plbarMomentum of final state anti-lepton
plMomentum of final state lepton
pqoutMomentum of final state quark a
p2outMomentum of initial state anti-quark b
p2inMomentum of final state gluon b
wpropMass and width of the W boson
Square of the current contractions for ->qqbarQ

Calculates the square of the current contractions with extremal qqbar pair production. This is calculated through the use of crossing symmetry.

◆ ME_Wuno_qbarg()

double HEJ::currents::ME_Wuno_qbarg ( HLV const &  p1out,
HLV const &  p1in,
HLV const &  p2out,
HLV const &  p2in,
HLV const &  pg,
HLV const &  plbar,
HLV const &  pl,
ParticleProperties const &  wprop 

W+uno same leg. anti-quark gluon.

p1outMomentum of final state anti-quark a
p1inMomentum of initial state anti-quark a
p2outMomentum of final state gluon b
p2inMomentum of intial state gluon b
pgMomentum of final state unordered gluon
plbarMomentum of final state anti-lepton
plMomentum of final state lepton
wpropMass and width of the W boson
Square of the current contractions for ->gqbarg

This returns the square of the current contractions in qbarg->gqbarg scattering with an emission of a W Boson.

◆ ME_Wuno_qbarQ()

double HEJ::currents::ME_Wuno_qbarQ ( HLV const &  p1out,
HLV const &  p1in,
HLV const &  p2out,
HLV const &  p2in,
HLV const &  pg,
HLV const &  plbar,
HLV const &  pl,
ParticleProperties const &  wprop 

W+uno same leg. anti-quark quark.

p1outMomentum of final state anti-quark a
p1inMomentum of initial state anti-quark a
p2outMomentum of final state quark b
p2inMomentum of intial state quark b
pgMomentum of final state unordered gluon
plbarMomentum of final state anti-lepton
plMomentum of final state lepton
wpropMass and width of the W boson
Square of the current contractions for qbarQ->gqbarQ

This returns the square of the current contractions in qbarQ->gqbarQ scattering with an emission of a W Boson.

◆ ME_Wuno_qbarQbar()

double HEJ::currents::ME_Wuno_qbarQbar ( HLV const &  p1out,
HLV const &  p1in,
HLV const &  p2out,
HLV const &  p2in,
HLV const &  pg,
HLV const &  plbar,
HLV const &  pl,
ParticleProperties const &  wprop 

W+uno same leg. anti-quark anti-quark.

p1outMomentum of final state anti-quark a
p1inMomentum of initial state anti-quark a
p2outMomentum of final state anti-quark b
p2inMomentum of intial state anti-quark b
pgMomentum of final state unordered gluon
plbarMomentum of final state anti-lepton
plMomentum of final state lepton
wpropMass and width of the W boson
Square of the current contractions for qbarQbar->gqbarQbar

This returns the square of the current contractions in gqbarQbar->qbarQbar scattering with an emission of a W Boson.

◆ ME_Wuno_qg()

double HEJ::currents::ME_Wuno_qg ( HLV const &  p1out,
HLV const &  p1in,
HLV const &  p2out,
HLV const &  p2in,
HLV const &  pg,
HLV const &  plbar,
HLV const &  pl,
ParticleProperties const &  wprop 

W+uno same leg. quark gluon.

p1outMomentum of final state quark a
p1inMomentum of initial state quark a
p2outMomentum of final state gluon b
p2inMomentum of intial state gluon b
pgMomentum of final state unordered gluon
plbarMomentum of final state anti-lepton
plMomentum of final state lepton
wpropMass and width of the W boson
Square of the current contractions for qg->gqg

This returns the square of the current contractions in qg->gqg scattering with an emission of a W Boson.

◆ ME_Wuno_qQ()

double HEJ::currents::ME_Wuno_qQ ( HLV const &  p1out,
HLV const &  p1in,
HLV const &  p2out,
HLV const &  p2in,
HLV const &  pg,
HLV const &  plbar,
HLV const &  pl,
ParticleProperties const &  wprop 

W+uno same leg.

p1outMomentum of final state quark a
p1inMomentum of initial state quark a
p2outMomentum of final state quark b
p2inMomentum of intial state quark b
pgMomentum of final state unordered gluon
plbarMomentum of final state anti-lepton
plMomentum of final state lepton
wpropMass and width of the W boson
Square of the current contractions for qQ->qQg

This returns the square of the current contractions in gqQ->gqQ scattering with an emission of a W Boson.

◆ ME_Wuno_qQbar()

double HEJ::currents::ME_Wuno_qQbar ( HLV const &  p1out,
HLV const &  p1in,
HLV const &  p2out,
HLV const &  p2in,
HLV const &  pg,
HLV const &  plbar,
HLV const &  pl,
ParticleProperties const &  wprop 

W+uno same leg. quark anti-quark.

p1outMomentum of final state quark a
p1inMomentum of initial state quark a
p2outMomentum of final state anti-quark b
p2inMomentum of intial state anti-quark b
pgMomentum of final state unordered gluon
plbarMomentum of final state anti-lepton
plMomentum of final state lepton
wpropMass and width of the W boson
Square of the current contractions for qQbar->gqQbar

This returns the square of the current contractions in gqQbar->gqQbar scattering with an emission of a W Boson. (Unordered Same Leg)

◆ ME_Z_qg()

double HEJ::currents::ME_Z_qg ( const HLV pa,
const HLV pb,
const HLV p1,
const HLV p2,
const HLV pep,
const HLV pem,
ParticleID  aptype,
ParticleID  bptype,
ParticleProperties const &  zprop,
double  stw2,
double  ctw 

Square of qg->qge+e- Z+Jets Scattering Current.

paMomentum of initial state quark
pbMomentum of initial state gluon
p1Momentum of final state quark
p2Momentum of final state gluon
pepMomentum of final state positron
pemMomentum of final state electron
aptypeInitial particle 1 type
bptypeInitial particle 2 type
zpropMass and width of the Z boson
stw2Value of sin(theta_w)^2
ctwValue of cos(theta_w)
Square of the current contractions for qg->qge+e- Scattering

This returns the square of the current contractions in qg->qg scattering with an emission of a Z Boson.

◆ ME_Z_qQ()

std::vector< double > HEJ::currents::ME_Z_qQ ( const HLV pa,
const HLV pb,
const HLV p1,
const HLV p2,
const HLV pep,
const HLV pem,
ParticleID  aptype,
ParticleID  bptype,
ParticleProperties const &  zprop,
double  stw2,
double  ctw 

Square of qQ->qQe+e- Z+Jets Scattering Current.

paMomentum of initial state quark
pbMomentum of initial state quark
p1Momentum of final state quark
p2Momentum of final state quark
pepMomentum of final state positron
pemMomentum of final state electron
aptypeInitial particle 1 type
bptypeInitial particle 2 type
zpropMass and width of the Z boson
stw2Value of sin(theta_w)^2
ctwValue of cos(theta_w)
Square of the current contractions for qQ->qQe+e- Scattering

This returns the square of the current contractions in qQ->qQ scattering with an emission of a Z Boson.

◆ ME_Zuno_qg()

double HEJ::currents::ME_Zuno_qg ( const HLV pa,
const HLV pb,
const HLV pg,
const HLV p1,
const HLV p2,
const HLV pep,
const HLV pem,
ParticleID  aptype,
ParticleID  bptype,
ParticleProperties const &  zprop,
double  stw2,
double  ctw 

Square of qg->gqge+e- Z+Jets Unordered Current.

paMomentum of initial state quark
pbMomentum of initial state gluon
pgMomentum of final state unordered gluon
p1Momentum of final state quark
p2Momentum of final state gluon
pepMomentum of final state positron
pemMomentum of final state electron
aptypeInitial particle 1 type
bptypeInitial particle 2 type
zpropMass and width of the Z boson
stw2Value of sin(theta_w)^2
ctwValue of cos(theta_w)
Square of the current contractions for qg->gqge+e- Scattering

This returns the square of the current contractions in qg->gqg scattering with an emission of a Z Boson.

◆ ME_Zuno_qQ()

std::vector< double > HEJ::currents::ME_Zuno_qQ ( const HLV pa,
const HLV pb,
const HLV pg,
const HLV p1,
const HLV p2,
const HLV pep,
const HLV pem,
ParticleID  aptype,
ParticleID  bptype,
ParticleProperties const &  zprop,
double  stw2,
double  ctw 

Square of qQ->gqQe+e- Z+Jets Unordered Current.

paMomentum of initial state quark a
pbMomentum of initial state quark b
pgMomentum of final state unordered gluon
p1Momentum of final state quark a
p2Momentum of final state quark b
pepMomentum of final state positron
pemMomentum of final state electron
aptypeInitial particle 1 type
bptypeInitial particle 2 type
zpropMass and width of the Z boson
stw2Value of sin(theta_w)^2
ctwValue of cos(theta_w)
Square of the current contractions for qQ->gqQe+e- Scattering

This returns the square of the current contractions in qQ->gqQ scattering with an emission of a Z Boson.