hej is hosted by Hepforge, IPPP Durham
HEJ 2.1.4
High energy resummation for hadron colliders
No Matches
Namespace List
Here is a list of all namespaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 NHEJMain HEJ 2 Namespace
 CArrayTag< T, N >
 Nevent_typeNamespace for event types
 NpidParticle ids according to PDG
 CAnalysisAnalysis base class
 CBeamBeam parameters
 CBufferedEventReaderEvent reader with internal buffer
 CCombinedEventWriterWrite event output to zero or more output files
 CCrossSectionAccumulatorSum of Cross Section for different subproccess
 CDefaultRNGHelper struct with default implementations
 CEventAn event with clustered jets
 CEventDataClass to store general Event setup, i.e. Phase space and weights
 CEventParametersEvent parameters
 CEventReaderAbstract base class for reading events from files
 CEventReweighterMain class for reweighting events in HEJ
 CEventReweighterConfigConfiguration options for the EventReweighter class
 CEventWriterPure abstract base class for event writers
 CEWConstantsCollection of electro-weak constants
 CFixedScaleFunctor that returns a fixed scale regardless of the input event
 CFractionClass for floating point numbers between 0 and 1
 CHDF5ReaderClass for reading events from a file in the HDF5 file format
 CHDF5WriterThis is an event writer specifically for HDF5 output
 CHepMC2InterfaceThis class converts the Events into HepMC::GenEvents
 CHepMC2WriterThis is an event writer specifically for HepMC output
 CHepMC3InterfaceThis class converts the Events into HepMC3::GenEvents
 CHepMC3WriterThis is an event writer specifically for HepMC3 output
 CHiggsCouplingSettingsSettings for Higgs boson coupling to gluons
 Cinvalid_typeException indicating wrong option type
 CistreamSmall wrapper around boost's filtering_istream
 CJetParametersJet parameters
 CJetSplitterClass to split jets into their constituents
 CSplitResultWrapper for return values
 CLesHouchesReaderClass for reading events from a file in the Les Houches Event File format
 CLesHouchesWriterClass for writing events to a file in the Les Houches Event File format
 CMatrixElementClass to calculate the squares of matrix elements
 CMatrixElementConfigConfiguration options for the MatrixElement class
 Cmissing_optionException indicating missing option setting
 CMixmaxMIXMAX random number generator
 Cnot_implementedException indicating functionality that has not been implemented yet
 COutputFileOutput file specification
 CParameterDescriptionDescription of event parameters, see also EventParameters
 CParametersCollection of parameters, e.g. Weights, assigned to a single event
 CPartialUnweightConfigSettings for partial unweighting
 CParticleClass representing a particle
 CParticlePropertiesCollection of basic particle properties
 CPDFClass for interaction with a PDF set
 CPhaseSpacePointGenerated point in resummation phase space
 CPhaseSpacePointConfigConfiguration options for the PhaseSpacePoint class
 CProgressBarClass representing (and printing) a progress bar
 Cpz_lessFunctor to compare momenta in z direction
 CRanlux64Ranlux64 random number generator
 Crapidity_lessFunctor to compare rapidities
 CRivetAnalysisClass representing a Rivet analysis
 CRNGInterface for random number generator
 CRNGConfigSettings for random number generator
 CScaleConfigSettings for scale variation
 CScaleFunctionClass to calculate the scale associated with an event
 CScaleGeneratorGenerate combinations of renormalisation and factorisation scales
 CSherpaLHEReaderLes Houches Event file reader for LHE files created by Sherpa
 Cunknown_optionException indicating unknown option
 CUnweighterUnweight events
 CXSWithErrorCollection of Cross Section with its uncertainty
 Cconvert< HEJ::Fraction< Real > >
 Cconvert< HEJ::OutputFile >